Services offered at Natura Pelvic Health and Physical Therapy are quite different than services offered at other physical therapy practices. Our approach to treating clients with chronic pain and other musculoskeletal issues has evolved from years of advanced training and experience in manual therapy, body-mind practices, and functional medicine. By using a combination of manual therapy treatments, targeted exercises and gradual lifestyle changes, clients are able to make significant long lasting improvements.

Each of us has an innate ability to adapt, change and heal. Under ideal conditions, adaptation and change improves resilience and healing is effortless. But, most of us have experienced less than ideal conditions at some point in our lives. Physical trauma, emotional trauma, chronic stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, etc. can trigger changes that help with survival in the moment, but impair our ability to heal over time.

Our culture praises those that are able to push through adversity, ignore discomfort, and keep going despite illness, injury or fatigue. Unfortunately, without adequate healing, negative effects build overtime, creating patterns of tension, dysfunction and a disconnect between our body, mind and spirit. The manual therapy treatments described below work with the body-mind connection to optimize healing.

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Visceral Manipulation

Each organ in the body is surrounded by fascia, a stretchy connective tissue that holds and supports the organ. When functioning optimally the fascia provides a perfect balance of support and mobility.  If the fascia that supports the organs becomes tight or restricted, it can affect how the organs function and have a negative affect on the body's overall health.  Visceral Manipulation is a gentle osteopathic technique that helps the body restore the natural mobility of this fascia.  This technique can be helpful for improving digestion, respiration, urinary function and immune function. It is often helpful in resolving movement issues after surgery, injury or infection

Myofascial Release

Fascia is the connective tissue in the body that surrounds and contains all of our muscles and organs.  It helps to give shape and support to our body.  When this fascia becomes tight, from injury, misuse, or lack of movement, it can cause pain, discomfort or alterations in how we move.  Myofascial Release is a gentle, but effective technique for improving the mobility and elasticity of the fascia around and in the muscles.   This can help with decreasing, pain, stiffness, and improving ease of movement. It is also believed that Myofascial Release can help with releasing emotional stress or strain held in the body.

CranioSacral Therapy

The craniosacral system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the the brain and the spinal cord.  CranioSacral Therapy is gentle hands-on technique that helps to release restrictions in the Craniosacral system.  It helps to improve the function of the nervous system and other body systems such as the digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more 

SomatoEmotional Release

SomatoEmotional Release is an extension of CranioSacral Therapy that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of disease or injury.  This therapy combines hands-on techniques with verbal dialogue and imagery to help clients connect with their own Inner Physician and resolve the residual effects of past trauma and negative emotional experiences.  This treatment emphasizes the connection between Mind, Body, and Spirit, and the innate self healing process.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a treatment that uses very thin needles (the same type used by acupuncturists) to address tight muscles, trigger points, tendons, and ligaments.  Dry needling can help decrease pain and improve healing by stimulating the body's natural healing response